Crossbar Account Resources
Visit the Crossbar Resources under Parent Resources on the Resource Tab on NTHC Website.
Instructions to Login / Sign Up for Crossbar Account:
You will need a Crossbar account to register for any New Trier Hockey Club program. Here are some tips to help you sign on to Crossbar:
To SIGN UP or LOG IN (Upper left hand corner of screen above the NT Hockey logo)
Click on "LOG IN" ...if you already have a Crossbar account with another association. You will see any players who you have registered for other programs using Crossbar and they are ready to be registered or you can add participants under ACCOUNT.
Click on "SIGN UP"...if you need to create an account. Enter your email/password. You will receive an email to verify the new account. Once verified, you will be able to enter your name and contact info to COMPLETE PROFILE. After completing your account set up, you will be prompted to add a NEW PARTICIPANT / PLAYER and complete player profile.
Please note: All parents who wish to receive team emails must sign up for an account.